12Dec 2018

Association between Hospital Management and Immunization Coverage at 3 National Hospitals of Kabul City, Afghanistan year 2017

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Objective: To determine the association between the national hospitals management, quality (technical) and EPI key indicators coverage. Methodology: The study carried out in the 3 National Hospitals of Kabul City. the Indira Gandhi Children Hospital(IGCH) run by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), Maiwand Teaching Hospital run by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and French Medical Institute for Mother and Children (FMIC) run by Private entity. The data have been collected for 2017 complete year through a pre-developed checklist. Three hospitals were selected from 3 different management perspective under the government of Afghanistan. These hospitals are selected based on the availability of EPI services and data for eligible children and women. Study Design: A cross sectional retrospective study is conducted in 3 national hospitals of Kabul city, Afghanistan. Hospital management will be divided into three categories (poor, good and excellent). Immunization coverage will be kept as continues variables measured by percentage. There is ranking score for hospital management if a hospital gets 0-49 score the hospital will be ranked poor management; if a hospital gets 50-69 score the hospital will be ranked as good management and if a hospital gets 70 or above score, the hospital will be ranked excellent management. Two types of checklist will be used for data collection, checklist one is the National Hospital Monitoring Checklist this will be used for measuring the technical quality and management of hospital for scoring and ranking hospitals. And the 2nd checklist will be developed and data will be collected to measure the perceive quality from the patient prospective. These combine score of both checklists will be the final score for any hospital and then the coverage for the 2017 for key indicators will be analyzed to see the association between management and coverage of EPI performance. Conclusion: The study is conducted in 3 out of 26 national hospitals of Kabul city. We use specific checklist for assessing the management level of the hospital. The Penta 3 was the key indicator to see the association between the management of hospital and its effects on the performance of Penta3. The result of study in two out of 3 hospitals shows that there is strong association of management and the performance. In other words, the excellent management has great effects on the performance. This claim is further supported by the result of FMIC which got low score in management and has low performance in Penta 3 in past one year.

[Dr. Ghulam Dastagir Nazary (2018); Association between Hospital Management and Immunization Coverage at 3 National Hospitals of Kabul City, Afghanistan year 2017 Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Dec). ] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Ghulam Dastagir Nazary
Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur