31Oct 2014

Detection of Some Gram Positive bacteria from Respiratory tract and Intestine of wild mice and rats

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This study was undertaken to determine Gram positive Bacteria from respiratory tracts and intestine of mice and rats trapped from Baghdad and Karballa Provinces. A total of 152rodents{70 house rat (Rattusrattus) and 82 house mouse (Musmusculus)} were caught from four types of sites included; Residential area (houses), Flour mills, Fruit/ vegetable shops and Grocery shops. These sites were randomly selected in each of the three localities for rats and mice collection.Specimens from respiratory system and digestive system after euthanatizing the rodents by ether were collected in aseptic conditions by using transport swabs for bacteriological culture. Diagnostic standard methods were used for identification of bacteria. The results showed that Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus were isolated from respiratory tract (lung and Bronchus) only, negative bacterial results from intestine samples. From 82 mice and 70 rats, the percentage ofStaphylococcus aureus was 30.5% &42.9% respectively. While the percentage of Streptococcus 4.9% & 5.7% respectively. The results concluded that the percentage of Staphylococcus aureus isolates was higher than the percentage of Streptococcusisolation from both mice and rats.

[Osama Sadiq Al-edani, Afaf AbdulRahman Yousif (2014); Detection of Some Gram Positive bacteria from Respiratory tract and Intestine of wild mice and rats Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Oct). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Osama Saddic al-edani