17Dec 2019


  • Intern of the Master in Educational Management of the National Pedagogic University
  • Professor and Researcher of the Faculty of Nursing of the Autonomous University of Campeche
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School dropout is considered as the abandonment of the educational system by students, caused by a combination of factors that are generated both in school and in social contexts, family and individual contexts. Dropping out of school implies a definitive abandonment of an institution or a University, after having enrolled and therefore cannot finish the degree or level of study. Objective: Identify the causes that influence school dropout and propose strategies to address the interest of the student. Method: This research has a qualitative, descriptive, non-exploratory approach. Subjects: 52 students of higher education. Instrument: The questionnaire was applied to the survey for students about dropout in higher education. Results: Of the participants, 29% (15) are male and 71% (37) are female students. When referring to you, what is school dropout for you, 77% of the students think it is an educational problem that affects the development of the country, 17% commented that for them it is a psychosocial problem and 6% refer That is a complex problem. When asking the students that they will do the next semester, 81% commented that they will continue with their studies and 19% said they will change their degree. Conclusion: The factors that influence school dropout can be mentioned what students think the economic factor considers as a dropout factor, 62% think that crime is also another factor, 71% think that with the support of a scholarship, Having good friendships and a good family relationship consider it a motivation to continue studying.

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[Arisveth Guadalupe Alejandro Dorantes and Ana Rosa Can Valle (2019); FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE IN SCHOOL DROPOUT IN HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS FROM A PERSPECTIVE Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Dec). 23-29] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Arisveth Guadalupe
1. Intern of the Master in Educational Management of the National Pedagogic University.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10119      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/10119