19Dec 2019


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Background: Mental disorder is the most prevalence problem in General population and depression is particularly most common. PPD affect the nutrition, child health and mother health, thus we conducted a cross sectional study to estimate that how many mothers of children age 2weeks- 12months are suffering from post partum depression and as well as to identify some demographic characteristic of women suffering from Post partum Depression. Methods: Total 138 objects/ mothers who had been come for delivery and given child birth within last 12 months (2weeks up to 12months) were interviewee and out of the total 129 Mothers responded and gave gave consent to be part of the research. Those women who had delivered within last 12month period and have been attending outpatient department (OPD) of Indira Gandhi Children Hospital for their Child related health problems were selected and screened by Eden Burgh Postpartum Depression scale (EPDS) for assessing post partum depression. Key Result: The study showed that (14, 11%) Normal, ( 26, 20 %) with minor symptoms and 89, 69.99% out of total 129 participants were Postpartum depression(PPD), In this study the only significance difference between mother with and without PPD was in term of number of children at home (61% in 1st child and 82% in 4or more children), while occupational status, mothers education level and baby’s age didn’t was not found to be the cause of PPD. Conclusion: The study revealed that the prevalence of PPD symptoms is high amongst women who delivered in last 12months and attended Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital OPD for child vaccination and others health related problems. Recommendations: Ministry of Health have to be consider Screening for PPD during post natal care visits in Health system of Afghanistan and plan effective intervention for them.

[Dr. Mohammad Zahid Sharifi (2019); ASSESSMENT & THE PREVALENCE OF POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION IN INDRA GANDHI CHILDREN HOSPITAL, KABUL AFGHANISTAN Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Dec). ] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr.Mohammad Zahid Sharifi
