26Apr 2015

Inference the Microbial Infection and the Processing Methods of the Infected Dental Radicular Cysts in the High Altitude Area, Taif, KSA

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This search was carried out to inference the microbial infection and the processing methods of the infected dental radicular cysts (RCs) in the high altitude area, Taif, KSA. Incidence of RCs-positive and RCs-negative from suspicious patients were resulted in (79.2 and 20.8%) respectively. Incidence of sterile and non-sterile from RCs-positive patient specimens were as (31.6 and 68.4%) for sterile and non-sterile respectively. Incidence of the mean microorganisms (MOs) types from non-sterile specimens were in the three types of MOs as (53.8, 43.1 and 3.1%) for (facultative anaerobes, anaerobes and fungi) respectively. All MOs were isolated often belonged to the high altitude area and normal ordinary oral cavity flora. Incidence of the mean cure by processing methods for patients, more cured patient were obviously in processing Group Control (GC), Group1 (G1) and Group2 (G2). GC was under treated by distilled water every other day, G1 was under treated by the Dentist prescribed antibiotics as a complete course, and G2 was under treated by Diode Laser sessions every other day. The cured were (20, 96.7 and 66.7%) for (GC, G1 and G2) respectively. G1 result was strongly indicated the successful treatment processing for RCs. The re-culture is also more in-need in the Micro. Lab., for the diagnosis of RCs fluid for the confirmation by the presence or absent of MOs and causing infections. On the fact the MOs cause RCs infection specially can survive in the high altitude and more of them were facultative anaerobes and anaerobes types.

[Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra (2015); Inference the Microbial Infection and the Processing Methods of the Infected Dental Radicular Cysts in the High Altitude Area, Taif, KSA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra