26Apr 2015

A descriptive quantitative computerized occlusal analysis system: T-scan

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Occlusion analysis and simulation occlusion of a patient remained the day dream of the dental profession. It constituted a great difficulty to analyze the problems arising from occlusal origins due to the complex nature of the human occlusal system. The search for the most atraumatic dental occlusion is growing demand especially in the fields of restorative and reconstructive dentistry. T-scan provides both qualitative and quantitative assessment of occlusion. Instead of the former messy qualitative carbon marks and it is presented in a video (movie) format. The system has got many advantages as being simple to operate, dynamic viewing of occlusion, timed analysis of force during various positions of teeth contact and the possibility of permanent documentation and monitoring of the occlusal condition after carrying on the various treatment protocols. The T-Scan not only presents a valuable method for clinical evaluation and understanding of the occlusal problems but also it offers an important tool for teaching purpose. The purpose of this review paper is to provide an overview of system over it’s utility in advance treatment modalities.

[Kirti Somkuwar (2015); A descriptive quantitative computerized occlusal analysis system: T-scan Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Kirti Somkuwar