30Apr 2015


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This study was undertaken to insist the importance of breast feeding,to avoid artificial feeding for babies. We surveyed about 100 children in the age group of 3-5 years. A Proforma was given to the mothers ,which includes all the feeding details of the child from birth. We took the children of class pre kintergarden, lower and upper kinter gardens.Based on the information given by the mother, these children were categorized as Breast fed and Bottle fed .the cognitive ability of the child was assessed using Binet-Kamat scale ,which is used for assessment of IQ between 3-22 years of age .Mental age is assesed using a set of norms that has been devised based on the childs performance. The results were statistically analysed and tabulated.

[M. SHANTHI, N. ETHIYA, K. MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM, K. MUTHUSELVI (2015); EFFECTS OF BREAST FEEDING ON BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com