30Apr 2015

Population Dynamics of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes on Root Surface and Rhizosphere of Tomato Crop and Their Beneficial Effect as Bioinoculants on Tomato and Chilli Crop

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Population of plant growth promoting microbes (PGPM) were more in tomato rhizosphere as compare to the root surface of tomato plants. Azotobacter, Azospirillium, Phosphate solubilising microbes and Actinomycetes were present as PGPM in the tomato rhizosphere /on root surface. Although, Actinomycetes was present in the rhizosphere of tomato crop, it was not there on tomato roots surface. These (PGPM) as bioinoculants stimulated plant growth which resulted in significant yield increase. Bioinoculants effect was maximum with application of nitrogen fixer + PSM + Actinomycetes culture followed by application of nitrogen fixer + PSM culture and Actinomycetes culture over uninoculated control. Due to application of PGPM bioinoculants of tomato the percent increase in yield in tomato was 120 per cent whereas it was 45 per cent in chilli. These results indicated that crop specific culture of plant growth promoting microbes (PGPM) has great potential in increasing yield of that crop as compared to the general culture of PGPR’s (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) used in the crop.

[Gyansingh Meena, S. G. Borkar, Nisha M. Patil (2015); Population Dynamics of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes on Root Surface and Rhizosphere of Tomato Crop and Their Beneficial Effect as Bioinoculants on Tomato and Chilli Crop Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Nisha M. Patil