30Apr 2015

Learning disabilities among school going children with Protein Energy Malnutrition in relation to psychosomatic constitution

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As reported Ayurvedic approach of cognitive deficits mainly depends upon the type of diet as well as type of Prakriti. Utilizing the Ayurvedic wisdom of cognitive development particularly among those genetically susceptible children for inadequate cognitive development, present study was conducted the study recruited -1520 children belonging to different localities of Eastern Uttar Pradesh were screened, out of which 124 children showed evidence of malnutrition along with poor cognitive functions belonging to three distinct prakriti group. These selected malnourished children were evaluated on various neuropsychophysiological assessments including certain biochemical parameters. Results indicated that mal-nourished children had a poor memory and learning abilities and more susceptibility towards development of infectious diseases. Thus a proper training and improved dietary regimen as per their body type may prevent/minimize the prevalence of malnutrition and thus improved mal-nourishment will definitely improved the school performance of the children. For the study institutions ethical approval was taken to conduct present study.

[Deepti Tiwar, Mamta Tiwari, Rinki Kumari, Aruna Agrawal and G.P. Dubey (2015); Learning disabilities among school going children with Protein Energy Malnutrition in relation to psychosomatic constitution Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Rinki Kumari