28Feb 2014


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Many types of fungi such as Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium have been detected on Egyptian maize (Shamya) at field and earlier storage. Ten governorates located between latitudes 22 southwards to 32 northwards, led to a variety climate of temperature, wind and rainfall during the same season, this diversity impact on type and number of toxigenic fungi that grown on maize that followed by mycotoxins type and amount influences.. Analysis of maize showed that, the lowest and the highest number of fungal colonies were detected on Giza and Behira samples (79 and 98 colonies on 2012 year samples; 112 and 151 colonies on 2013 year samples per ten plates count, respectively). Aspergillus as a common fungus ranged from 29.9% - 61.3 %( year 2012) and from 55.9% – 84.1 %( year 2013) of total colonies count on maize. In 2013 year samples; total aflatoxins ranged from 14µg/kg to 34.9µg/kg (Giza and Asyut samples, respectively). Aflatoxins B1 in all studied samples represented the highest amount of the four aflatoxins types (B1, B2, G1, and G2). Fumonisin B1 ranged from 170µg/kg to 1915µg/kg (Giza and Dakahlia samples, respectively). The highest amount of ochratoxin A was 14.9µg/kg (Alexandria samples), while no ochratoxin A had detected in samples belonging to Giza, Sharkia, and Sohag. The highest amount of zearalenone was 3.5µg/kg (Gharbia samples), none zearalenone had detected in samples of Cairo and Dakahlia.

[A.Nooh, Hassan Amra, M.M. Youssef, and Amr A. El-Banna (2014); MYCOTOXIN AND TOXIGENIC FUNGI OCCURRENCE IN EGYPTIAN MAIZE Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Feb). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Ahmed Nouh Abdel Reheem Badr