28Feb 2014

The Future of Insurance Business in the Rural Areas : A Study (Gujrat State in India)

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While circulating questionnaires it occurred that both the insurance services. Nationalized and private companies are popular in these areas.The people take advantages of both the types of insurance policies. In each family at least single person’s life is insured.The people of these village prefer life-Insurance policies ranging from Rs.25,000.00 to 3,00,000.00.Most of the people prefer insurance service of the nationalized companies.However, the private companies are very active in these areas

[Patel Alkaben H and Patel Dilipkumar C. (2014); The Future of Insurance Business in the Rural Areas : A Study (Gujrat State in India) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Feb). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Prof.Alkaben Harilal