23Dec 2021


  • Reader Panchakarma Department BG Garaiya Ayu. College and Hospital Kalipat, Rajkot, Gujarat.
  • Professor, Rachana Sharir Department, B.G.Garaiya Ayurveda College and Hospital, Kalipat, Rajkot, Gujarat.
  • Assistant Professor, Basic Principle Department, B.G. Garaiya Ayurvedic College Rajkot, Gujarat.
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Panchakarma modalities are specialized therapeutic procedures well proven in all categorise and any stage of diseases due to the combination of metallic & non metallic herbal formulations. Amongst all these Basti therapy is known as Ardha chikitsa in Ayurvedic science, because it has various actions like snehana, bruhana, utkleshana, shodhana, shaman, lekhana, rasayana and Vajikarana etc. Acharya in Ancient time described their pramana also according to vyadhi and shareer bala Aushadhi, dosha bala, satmya, satwa, prakruti, Agni and Vaya. In present era which basti dravya pramana is applicable to administer the basti procedure which can be given in accurate as mentioned in classic and which cannot be used, this is described according to calculations of basti dravya in various samhita.

[Ravindra Gunale, Shrikant B. Darokar and Hari Krishna Shriwas (2021); ANALYTICAL STUDY ON BASTI DRAVYA PRAMANA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Dec). 750-754] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Ravindra Gunale
Reader Panchakarma department BG Garaiya Ayu. College and Hospital kalipat, Rajkot.,Gujarat .


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/13969      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/13969