16Jun 2022


  • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Osh State University, City Of Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
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This research article discusses episodes related to how Khan Manas, who was seriously wounded in the great battle during the Great Campaign, was met by his wife Kanykey. Despite the severe pain in the area of ​​the wound, Manas pulled himself together with all his strength to stand in front of Kanykey with dignity. The wise Kanykey immediately subtly felt the poor state of her husband. Having rested a little after returning from an exhausting long journey, Manas asked his wife to come up to him he decided to tell her about his will, that his days were numbered and he had only a short time to live he asked her to mature, grow stronger, live for the sake of a common son, take care of him, protect her son from haters in every possible way he told her: when our son grows up, tell him about his father, his life path and exploits how he gathered and rallied the Kyrgyz family scattered in different places and distant lands into a single people, and that his father devoted his life to his native people educate him so that he grows up as a hero, a defender of his land. The will given to Kanykei was executed by her very reverently, accurately and responsibly. In the difficult days that fell to her lot, she gathered herself, pulled herself together, got stronger. Day and night, thinking about her son Semetey: she cared, educated, tried to make him grow up as a son of the people, a worthy successor to the legacy of his ancestors, and become a gentleman, perform heroic deeds like his father. Kanykeis mother looked into her sons future with great hope. And the son of Semetey, in turn, was a spiritual support for his mother. In the most difficult hours and minutes, she was supported and helped, the grandmother of her son Chiyyrdy was next to her, as well as relatives on her mothers side. In her images, we see hidden spiritual values, an example to follow, which our Kyrgyz mothers need to follow in the modern information-saturated reality. The article focuses on the fact that the testament as a method of public education carries a great moral value in the formation of important personal qualities of the younger generation.

[Misirali Koldoshovich Koldoshev (2022); LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF MANAS BATYR Int. J. of Adv. Res. 10 (Jun). 398-401] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Misirali Koldoshovich Koldoshev
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Osh State University, City Of Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/14901      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/14901