18Aug 2022


  • Hopital Psychiatrique Universitaire Ar-Razisale, CHU Ibn Sina Rabat.
  • Faculte De Medecine Et De Pharmacie De Rabat. Universite Mohammed V, Rabat.
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Background : After the world health organization qualified covid-19 as a pandemic, Morocco imposed a lockdown , this had an impact on several areas and in particularly on addictive behaviours.

Objective: our aims was to assess the different effects of covid-19 lockdown on the alcohol, tobacco and cannabisuse of patients followed up for psychiatric disorders and to identify possible factors that may have contributed to these changes in behaviour.

Materiels and Methods: a prospective study was carried out over 2 months after the lockdown in Morocco. A description and multivariate analysis of the data was performed .

Results: The mean age of the patients was 34.58 (+/- 10.475), with a masculine predominance of (88%). In total, 56.1% of the patients who used tobacco decreased their use and 42.8% increased their use after the confinement. We noted a withdrawal in 87.5% of patients with alcohol use and a withdrawal in 54.38% of patients with cannabis use. Female gender was correlated with a statistically significative increase of alcohol and cannabis use as well as tobacco use with respectively (p=0.036  p= 0.027 ), while very young age [18-25 years] was correlated with a statistically significative increase of tobacco use (p = 0.004) .

Conclusions:It would be judicious to make a national surveys to evaluate the use of psycho-active substances, especially in the general population, and that the healthcare providers assist and support the users of substances for the psychological repercussions that have resulted from the containment and the pandemic in general.

[Amal Zaki, Siham Belbachir and Abderrazzak Ouanass (2022); COVID -19 ET TROUBLE DUSAGE DE TABAC, ALCOOL ET CANNABIS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 10 (Aug). 205-213] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

hopital psychiatrique universitaire arr-azi ,salé,maroc


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15168      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/15168