31Dec 2024


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Aim & Objectives Of The Study Aim Of The Study: The aim of this study is to analyze the various modalities of treatment for vascular anomalies and their response at a Tertiary care centre in Telangana.

Objectives Of The Study: 1. To study the incidence of various vascular anomalies. 2. To study the demographic features of various vascular anomalies. 3. To study the various modalities of treatment used at Tertiary care center 4. To study the complications.

Need For The Study: Vascular anomalies signify a deviation from normal vasculature. Their morbidity can range from mild discoloration of skin to massive involvement leading to functional compromise ?These anomalies include a group of disorders which are difficult to classify as well as to treat. ?They are commonly misdiagnosed and hence mistreated. Hence, correct diagnosis which is of paramount importance for the proper management of vascular anomalies is done by proper history and clinical examination and proper investigations like color Doppler study and if needed Angiogram. ?These lesions can cause cosmetic deformities of the head and neck and can interfere with the normal function in these areas. ?Hence, early diagnosis with clinical evaluation and investigations like Color doppler study and if needed angiogram and treatment needs to be done to avoid dangerous complications associated with these lesions such as bleeding, cosmetic deformity, airway obstruction which might even cause death of the individual.

Materials & Methods Study Design: Retroprospective clinical study  Study subjects:  All patients admitted in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery with vascular anomalies within the stipulated time period of 48 months ( 2 years retrospective and 2 years prospective from February 2021 to March 2025) are included in the study Sample size: All patients with vascular anomalies attending the OPD of Department of  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery within the stipulated time period is included in the study with minimum sample size taken as 20  Inclusion Criteria: All patients with vascular anomalies admitted in the Department of Burns Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery willing to participate are included in the study.

Exclusion criteria: 1. Patients not willing to participate in the study. 2. Patients who are unfit for anesthesia. 3. Patients with CNS AV malformation Period of study: 48 Months (2 years Retrospective and 2 years Prospective).

Place of study: Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad.

[Palukuri Lakshmi, Sree Sai Rekha, Swathi Sankar, Ashwin Kishore P., Rishitha Nannam and Sreedharala Ahlad (2024); A CLINICAL STUDY OF VASCULAR ANOMALIES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER IN TELANGANA Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Dec). 927-934] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Sree Sai Rekha Sukhavasi
Assistant Professor of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/20101      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/20101