- Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), Universite dAbomey-Calavi (UAC) 01 BP 613 Porto-Novo, Benin.
- Ecole PolytechniquedAbomey-Calavi, Universited Abomey-Calavi, Rep of Benin.
- Departement de Scienceset Application, Universitede DOSSO, Rep of Niger.
- Department of Physics, FAST-Natitingou, National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (UNSTIM) - B.P. 2282 Goho, Abomey, Benin.
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In this paper, we present the bound-state solutions of the Schrodinger equation and analyze the thermodynamic properties of the Eckart plus Hulthen potential and a class of Yukawa potentials. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions were determined using the Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov Method (PNUM). The eigenenergies of HCl and ScH molecules were calculated for various values of n and. All calculated eigenenergies for these molecules are negative, unlike those in atomic units. For a given pair (n,), the energy of ScH is higher than that of HCl. Furthermore, for these molecules, at constant n, the energy increases with increasing and at constant, the energy increases with increasing n. The obtained energy values were then used to calculate the partition function, which served as a basis to derive thermodynamic properties such as mean energy, specific heat capacity, entropy, and free energy. The study revealed that the system exhibits high disorder for small values of, while increasing leads to a significant reduction in disorder.
[Daniel Sabi Takou, Assimiou M. Yarou, Guingarey Issoufou, Finagnon A. Dossa and Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou (2025); EIGENSOLUTIONS AND THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THEECKARTPLUSHULTHEN POTENTIALANDACLASSOF YUKAWA Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Jan). 331-341] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Polytechnical School of Abomey Calavi