27Sep 2017


  • Associate Professor Rhoda Bakuwa PhD.
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Community Solar Photovoltaic (CSPV) system plays an important role in accelerating the utilisation of solar energy in the rural areas where there is no grid-electricity. The need to sustain CSPV systems economically is well documented and cannot be over-emphasised. CSPV systems are vital in their contribution towards supplying electricity for lighting, powering appliances and pumping water to education and health institutions and the community as a whole in Malawi. The aim of this study was to assess economic sustainability of installed CSPV systems at Kuntiyani and Umodzi Community Based Organisations (CBOs). This study examined the CSPV system essential component specifications, their final end-customer price trends, availability and associated Income Generating Activity (IGA) earnings. These attributes are the main determinants of long-term economic sustainability of CSPV systems. This qualitative exploratory research used physical inspection, questionnaire and focus group discussions data collection instruments, secondary sources and non-probability sampling. The physical inspection data were compared with Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) solar PV system specifications and the variations between the data were described. The quantitative data were organised and generated into graphs showing essential components final end-customer price trends; and IGA earnings. The qualitative data were coded, described and interpreted with regard to component sources and logistics. This study found out that: the installed CSPV system essential components complied with the MBS specifications; final end-customer prices showed moderate increasing trends; there are no rural markets for solar PV system components; the roads leading to the CBOs are in poor condition; and cumulative net IGA earnings can finance replacement components. The study concludes that the installed CSPV system essential component specifications, their final end-customer price trends and IGA earnings can ensure economic sustainability at Kuntiyani and Umodzi CBOs while sources and logistics impede economic sustainability due to lack of rural markets for solar PV components since the concept is new. The study recommends inspecting CSPV system components to ensure MBS specifications are maintained, introducing import duty on renewable energy products, improving rural access roads to attract private traders and creating more income generating activities to increase revenue.

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[Anna Betty Kamende and Fredrick Munthali. (2017); AN ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY OF COMMUNITY SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS: A CASE OF KUNTIYANI AND UMODZI CBOs IN BALAKA AND MACHINGA IN MALAWI. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 1261-1332] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Anna Betty Kamende
The Malawi Polytechnic, University of Malawi


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5448      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5448