10Feb 2019


  • Students in the Environmental Health Master\'s Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University.
  • Teaching Staff for Environmental Health Master\'s Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University.
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In the development of the agricultural sector, increasing use of pesticides also occurs in almost all agriculture in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java. Acute poisoning because pesticides are a problem in all countries. Estimated number of cases per year is 1-3 million. Mortality rates ranging from 1% to 9% of cases who come for treatment. Most cases of accidental pesticide poisoning are among farmers and farmer families.The study aimed to analyze the relationship of pesticide exposure to balance disorders in farmerswomen in Bandungan Sub-district, Semarang District. This research was observational type with cross sectional design. The sampling technique was nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 50 farmerswomen.The results of this study that there were a correlation between cholinesterase levels (p = 0.016), RP = 3.865 (CI) 95% = 1.051?14.214, working period (p = 0.049), RP = 1.957 (CI) 95% = 1.062 - 3.605with balance disorders in farmerswomen in Bandungan Sub-district, Semarang District.There was no correlation betweenpesticide dose (p = 0.839), RP = 1.165 (CI) 95% = 0.65 - 2.088 with balance disorders in farmerswomen in BandunganSub-district, Semarang District. The conclusion of the researchthat there were correlation between cholinesterase levels, working periodwith balance disorders in farmerswomen in BandunganSub-district, Semarang District. There was no correlation betweenthe pesticidedosewith balance disorders in farmerswomen in BandunganSub-district, Semarang District.

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[Shalihat Afifah Dhaningtyas, Onny Setiani And Nurjazuli. (2019); BALANCE DISORDERS DUE TO PESTICIDE EXPOSURE IN FARMERS WOMEN IN BANDUNGAN SUB-DISTRICT, SEMARANG DISTRICT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Feb). 63-67] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Shalihat Afifah Dhaningtyas
Students in the Environmental Health Master\'s Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8463      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8463